• Because it's the United States of America, but not the Canadian Territories of America or the Mexican States of America. We're called after the country, not the continent.
  • I don't understand the question. They are americans because they live in the United States of AMERICA. I live in Canada. So I am a Canadian...Just because I am on the same continent as the US, doesn't make me an american!
  • They are americans. NOrth americans, central americans, and south americans. They are also Canadian, Mexican, Guatemalen, Chilean, and whatever else depending on what country they are from. Just as all people from Europe are European, and all people from Asia are Asian, etc.
  • I think it is important to call people what they WANT to be called. Names and labels carry emotional freight. It's fine to be proud of being American, and I am - but Canada and Mexico have things to be proud of that are different from ours. That's a GOOD thing. I think previous answers have effectively pointed out the difference between United States of America and North America.
  • Would you like to be called United-Statians? or do you like Americans best?
  • I think being called Statesmen might be interesting, though. Saying American seems to leave out a lot of people who also live in an America. Then again, we could be called Unitarians but I guess that's taken.
  • i think it's because the US thinks they are the center of everything. i prefer just to call my self californian... i don't feel comfortable using the term "american" because it is in itself self-righteous. america is a continent and that includes a lot of people. by calling only some people american it seems to leave out a lot more people.
  • Eurasia is actually only Europe and Asia. Please read what I wrote, there is NO continent called America. There is South America, and North America. The America's (highlighting the plural) is a collective term for two continents, just as Eurasia is the same
  • I think because the USA (United States of America) has "America" within its name, whereas Canada and Mexico do not. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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