• The c-section shouldn't be affecting him by 4 months. If you are at all worried, take him to your local health professional and get them to check him over. Then you will feel better.
  • thank you. I know the c section had nothing to do with it. I just wanted say it was not from any problem with birth.
  • A baby's head is 1/3 the length of their body, so a big head is normal for a baby. The softness and protrusion you speak of is the baby's soft spot, where the skull hasn't fused together yet to allow room for the brain to grow. there is one in the back of the head as well.
  • Babies heads are usually out of proportion to their bodies. The bones in their heads are also not fused like ours are so that might be what you are seeing. It's a good idea to mention it to the pediatrician though just to calm your nerves.
  • This probably isn't it, but I thought I'd post it. But I' definitely ask a doctor.
  • Is it the top of the head or right on the forehead that feels soft? It shouldn't be on the forehead. I had a baby by c-section 4 months ago also. His next check up isn't until 6 months of age, but if you're really concerned about this, make an appointment before then.
  • Its baby fat, their lil heads are pretty big at that age & when you have them like I did my son by C-Section their heads are round & full. Their lil faces & head change so much in the first year he won't look the same hardly in about 6 months. But like ABer Vashtar said it may be but I doubt it like the link they provided. Try not to worry to much or you & that lil baby will be paranoid or possibly give the lil fella a complex.

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