• There would not be any United States of America today if immigrants were not permitted to earn citizenship. As for illegal immigrants, If the countries these immigrants came from could provide them with the means to make a reasonable living they would not need to become "illegals" in other, more prosperous countries.
  • No, I think they should be required to go home, and then we can let OTHER citizens come in legally and earn their citizenship. The ones who come illegally are obviously willing to break our laws, and we prefer ones who will become good law-abiding citizens.
  • what part of "illegal" don't people understand?
  • Illegal immigrants cannot be accepted into a country unless their cases, when examined, prove that they had no choice but to flee (ie they were going to be killed-note this does not mean just being in a minority group). That is why it is in their interests to have their documents with them, so that they can be examined quickly. Those who throw their documents away are suspect straight away. We, in Australia, have found that among those who claim to be fleeing oppressive regimes are a sizeable amount who don't even come from the country they say they are from (eg they say they are Afghan, but are, in fact, Pakistani. Same tribe, but different accent). On the other hand, I know people who were genuine refugees. They fled because they were intelligentsia in Iran, and had questioned the government. They were, eventually, granted permanent residency, and are solid citizens. But they did not hinder the government's investigations,and had the support of organisations within Australia, who knew their case.
  • I think if you enter a country illegally, and get caught, you should absolutely be sent packing. You can earn citizenship before you get here. Then, you won't be illegal.
  • Have you ever seen the citizenship, 3/4 of Americans couldn't pass that test. The US, assuming we are discussing the US, was founded on illegal immigrants and our culture is based around the many different cultures of immigrants. The truth is, is that illegal immigrants work harder to get into this country than anyone else...I say they deserve the right to be able to earn their citizenship...and perhaps some of our "citizens" don't really deserve theirs.
  • In America, we have millions of illegal immigrants. The policy up until now has been to arrest and deport them. It's a policy that simply doesn't work. We don't have the resources to find and round up a bunch of people and those we do deport often come back. It may be a wiser solution to expedite the citizenship process for those already here so that they become tax paying citizens. At this point, it may be better collectively to help solve the problem rather than seek justice.
  • Yes. It simply isn't feasible to deport millions. How exactly is THAT going to be funded? They have rights. Who pays to locate, detain, try, feed, etc these millions? Where exactly are we going to do that? Anyone who wants to attempt this has had his/her reality check bounce harder than the check to fund such a program.
  • I don't think illegals should be allowed to earn their citzenship. They need to come to America legally and earn their citzenship just like the people in past years have. They need to learn our laws, our ways, etc. and as an illegal they will not do that. I worked for a police department and there were just too many reports on illegals causing serious car accidents because they didn't know our driving laws etc. I know many legals have serious accidents as well, but it seems that illegals don't care to learn what the rest of us have to and they fear being caught. They seem to think "freedom" is just that, total freedom. They can do anything they want etc. I'm open to anyone coming here, but only legally. I'm just totally against what's going on in America these days. It's not American's country anymore, it belongs to everyone else. They come here and use our Bill of Rights and Constitution against us. There is something seriously wrong.
  • If they asked for an honest wage instead of getting me laid off because I ask for more money than they do, I wouldn't give one iota if they were here or not. Don't hate the people, hate the policy. What can I say, I got bills to pay and it takes an honest wage to pay them, I don't want to live in a house with 8 or 9 other people to get by, pay them for their hard work.
  • No, they need to be sent right back where they came from. They have already proven that they are not willing to follow our laws and have no respect for the very contry they claim to want to be a part of. If they did they would have come here the legal way. In fact most of them admit to having a stronger allegance for their home country and they want to go back some day. As for their complaints that our contry is unfair in our immegration polocy if that's the case stay home and don't come to a country you're already biased against. As for the idea that we should let them come here because their country is so bad maybe they should have stayed there and did something to clean it up instead of creating more problems here. It's not our job to take care of other country's problems. Or at least that's what some say when we go to another country to try and help them be selfsufficant or to end bloodshed. As for them having rights here they have none. Zero, zilch, those are reserved for U.S. Citizens and people who are here legally. And that's in the Constatution, my freinds.
  • Who am I to tell another person that they will be denied basic necessities or citizenship when they are willing to earn it. It will never happen, but I'd like to see foreign aid denied to any country that is not willing to provide a sustainable standard of living for their own people.
  • No, the United States would be flooded with illegals. Think its bad now? The worst would be to come.
  • Definetly not. They have already proven that they have no respect for our laws, and many have committed serious crimes like identity theft. Do you really think they will start respecting our laws if we reward their law breaking by granting citizenship?
  • Yes,,, Of course! They should be permitted their citizenship! Why? These people come to the US in search of freedom, opportunity, education, etc. And who are we to judge them for wanting to live a better life.
  • Yes i think they should get a chance i mean i have a 2 yr old daughter and if her father could have just got his papers he could be here helping me support her now! All you racist ppl need to just open your eyes and realize that they are ppl too!! They except us into their country so why can't we except them here!
  • I believe they should. They work hard for the little that they have.They did not come here to take your Jobs or your "lifetstyles". We ALL work hard for what we have.They do have to earn their citizenship.
  • they should be deported and allowed to apply for citizenship the RIGHT way (and even a fine wouldn't hurt)! it would be nice to think that we could have a "national citizenship day" when all illegals showed up to become legal....but seriously, do you really think they would? i mean, they would have to start paying taxes, pay for security, and the list goes on; but i guess the main thing is rewarding them citizenship status for entering this country illegally is absurd, just like someone said earlier! make them go back and get it right!
  • Illegal immigrants who have worked here peacefully should be allowed to apply for citizenship and must pay a fine for all of the social security they did not pay into the system or a fine for all of the benefits they took while illegal.

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