• A bartender can tell when a customer has had too much to drink, and has become a danger. There's no telling the intent of a person buying a gun -- most likely, if the customer was going to use it in a crime, the salesman wouldn't know.
  • It comes down to what you can see, on face value, at the current time, not what may happen. Selling alcohol to an intoxicated person is criminal, because the seller sees that the person is intoxicated, at the time of the selling. Selling a weapon, in a gun store, deals with a lot of the unknowns about a person. you can not see his intentions. you cannot see that is a psychological psychopath. if his record is clean, that all the law requires. you cannot base his gun purchase on a "what if".
  • Only the law / government and the people supporting them are responsible if there are no enough regulations on weapons. A murder would get a drink, but a drunk would not get a gun. So murders should not get drunk... Anyway, if you sell a gut to somebody who is not allowed to have one, you are responsible.
  • The bartender can see that the person is already drunk. But a liquor store owner who sells a bottle to a sober person has done nothing wrong. IF a person came into a gun store in a rage and shouted "Sell me a gun so I can go kill that @#%^$*&", the gun store owner would refuse to sell.

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