• Growing up I always sided with donatello, geeky but the bo staff really just owned in the video games. :)
  • As far as heroes in a half-shell go, I would pick Leonardo because the real Leonardo Di Vinci was the most extra-ordinary of the whole lot. Blue is one of my favorite colors too.
  • when talking about the teenage mutant ninja turtles i would have to go with mike because he was always the most laid back and crazy. If you are talking about the famous figures, i would have to go with leonardo because he designed so many things and advanced science so much during his time.
  • when talking about the teenage mutant ninja turtles i would have to go with mike because he was always the most laid back and crazy. If you are talking about the famous figures, i would have to go with leonardo because he designed so many things and advanced science so much during his time.
  • Michelangelo My son was always Michelangelo when he played.
  • Like so many others, Michelangelo. I've seen a couple episodes of the recent TMNT cartoon series and find them all to be a lot angrier than back during the first series run.

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