• Not a professor but a grade school teacher once. They didnt know.
  • Yes I've had a few.One at school-I don't think he knew.I fancied a Professor/lecturer at University, I'm not sure if he knew- he did make some strange comments to me that made me think it might be mutual but I'm glad nothing came of it.
  • Partial crush....I was with someone...and he was married, and I had too much respect for him to let it go too my mind and I was in love with my own person! (I was only 17-18 at the time..first year in college too) I would guess he may have suspected, but he would not have acted on it even if he knew for sure...he adored his wife and two boys. There was another one...about 4 years later at another university I attended...OMG...HE was drop dead gorgeous! (He taught Cherokee language and WAS Native American) He was brilliant and just freaking beautiful...AND NICE. I think every female who looked at him went ga-ga. I ended up dropping the class, because I knew I would learn nothing! (MY fault, not his) His girlfriend, who also tutored for the class and a couple of others there, was also Native American and if possible, she was even more beautiful than him...and also a nice person...they were the most perfect couple together...I hope they still are! Oh! and this one definitely KNEW the effect he had on females in the class...and he handled it kindly, with integrity and professionalism. (how could he miss it...a bunch of coeds with moon eyes, sighs, and some even wrote him love notes.)
  • Oh yes, and no...he didnt know. He taught my Mythology class. He was very cute and so funny. He was married, so I'd hever have gone any farther than admiring from afar.
  • Yeah, on my English teacher but she didn't help matters by wearing a crisp white lacy bra under a see through blouse. I sat in the front row and used to open my desk top without moving my hands !
  • Yes, my college accounting professor. He was a fine specimen of man. No, he didn't know...I don't think.
  • I have such a crush right now. He's one of my art profs and is married with a kid and I have too much respect for him to ever do anything. I think he might feel the same way but is also a responsible person. We are not going to be alone together if either of us can help it. I just wish he would stop turning cartwheels in class, since I'm having trouble not being turned on by that.
  • I had a big crush on my English 101 professor. And I guess he kinda knew. I always went out of my way to ask him questions about class. I look back now and laugh at how silly that was.
  • I have a crush on a psychology professor. I think I am more in love with his brain than anything else. Of course he is married and has a beautiful wife and child. I am married too, so not like it is going to go real far any how. I am not sure if he knows. He might have a hunch. We had been talking about some thing that we learned in class and he invited me to a group he goes to and I was crushed when his wife walked through the door with him. That is okay, she is one lucky woman.
  • I currently have a crush on a forensic biology lecturer. He doesn't know, which I'm quite happy about. I'd never want to jeopardise his career if anything could happen between us, because he's so passionate about his work, it's like his life revolves around research and teaching others about his science. He's completely admirable, if a little frightening :-/ I'll shut up now.
  • I just returned to school (after 20 years) and in my 3rd semester developed crush on a prof! LOL (1month younger than me, I found out since he told me his age & also told me he thought I was younger YEAh) was extremely difficult for me to get through the class since I struggled with the subject and even though he always invited people to his office for xtra help, I JUST COULDN'T do it..I wound up with the lowest grade in my college life, a C+. I only wish I would have dropped the class! (It was AWFUL! I only have 1 semester left at this school and can't wait to get away from him since I still think about him..(AAGH!)I don't know if he knew it but suspect he did. Once class ended I did e-mail him a fun cartoon associated with the class topic and he never replied nor ever mentiond it. I do think he knew as I felt some amazing vibes...(but could have been in my head!)
  • I actually have a crush on one of my professors right now, but what really sucks about it is that she's a woman, and I have no idea if she's gay/bisexual or not. So not only do I feel guilty about having a crush on a woman (I always feel that way when I have a crush on a woman), but I also feel guilty about the possibility that I'm freaking her out by letting it show that I'm attracted to her (I haven't been trying to let that show, but that doesn't mean that I haven't unconsciously let it show). I freaking hate love right about now.
  • Ooooh, yeah, and, no, I made sure they didn't know
  • I do currently. I am not sure if he knows, bit he should --the lengths I go to to say everything but. He is 48 and I am 36. We get along well and seem to have become friends although we sure seem to do a lot of sensoring around each other. I wish I could tell him but I am so afraid of ruining our friendship, one I have really come to appreciate. We are both married, and in theory I wouldn't wanna be a home-wrecker, but I actually ache for him sometimes. Its sad. For me anyway. I read all these people's comments about getting over it and I just wouldn't begin to know how. I think I love him, as much as one can for what I know about him anyway. He has done so many things for me, like putting his name on a class list so he could be my teacher for that class (it has to be an independent study, since I am the only student signing up under him). Who does that for a student? I had an important evening that my husband chose not to spend with me, but he did. Nothing happened, we were around lots of people all evening. A friend there told me he watched me all night. I did on another ocassion catch him watching me a lot. The problem is, as much as I deny it to myself, I think he may feel similarly. That's what makes it harder. I keep wondering "what if?" What if we could make it work? How much time will we waste until it happens. And at whose expense?
  • Are you allowed to ask your professor out after school's over? I'm crazy about him and there might be a chance he'd say yes. Or he's just a really nice person and slightly misleading...
  • Yes. Probably.
  • I had a huge crush on one of my profs in college. He was in his mid thirties and married (his wife was also a prof in the same department, I liked her a lot... and she was super foxy... dammit). I never deluded myself into thinking that the feelings were returned, and I certainly would never act on it given that he was married. BUT... that being said... Yea, I would make up reasons to go to his office all the time, and maybe accidentally let something awkward or inappropriate slip. I'm the kind of girl that would always wear jeans and a sweatshirt to class, no makeup, no nothing. But, I always tried to look nice for his classes. I never said anything about it to anyone, but I think he probably knew. I think I was more obvious about it than I ment to be.
  • I now have a crush on my history professor. I am in my mid 30's and he is 12 years older than me. I notice him looking at me and I do the same with a smile here and there. It's hard to tell though if he is looking at me because he is giving a lecture and pretty much looking around. He has said a few times that he is divorced and has no life to be at a Friday night class. I think about him quite a bit and I have not missed his class all semester. I want to find out if he would would be interested in having coffee but I'm from the time when a man would be the initiator.
  • No,but I've been friends with one for seven years now.He's cool :)
  • I'm pretty sure the professor in my freshman Intro to Psychology class knew I had a crush on him. I think he was amused by it. :-) (And, damn it, he turned out to be gay...)
  • Yes, I currently have a crush (a HUGE crush) on one of my professors. She teaches courses on Europe during the Middle Ages at my university and you can bet I sign up for each one. I don't know if she knows though. I wonder about it a lot. I do tend to blush a lot when she is around (especially when I had a meeting with her to discuss a research paper). And I wrote a really nice review of her on where I pretty much announced to the internet that I want to marry her, but who know if professors check that website at all. When I graduate I do plan on asking her out (she's only like 9 years older then me, and fresh out of grad school), but more then likely my heart will be crushed by this crush.
  • I had a thing for my spanish professor in college- she had no idea.
  • No but he had crush on me & he even told me & i told he off!
  • To address the elephant in my closet, yes? Describing it here will only make it worse for me. I'm trying to pretend the situation doesn't exist at all to squash all traces of it. But I hate hate HATE feeling anything above neutrality for ANYONE that is the SLIGHTEST bit off limits or inappropriate, so I mentally clamp down on a lot of my crushes that I deem inappropriate. That ends up being the majority of them.

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