• roses never kiss back, but they are beautiful and loved by all. comment if you need further information.
  • I means that Seal couldn't think of anything better to write. lol
  • G'day blklbl2233, Thank you for your question. It probably refers to love between a man and a woman which a large proportion of pop songs. According to Wikipedia, it might also refer to cocaine use. It went to number 1 in the US and Australia and top 5 in the UK as well as winning a couple of Grammies including Record of the Year. I have attached sources for your reference. Regards Wikipedia Kiss from a Rose
  • Seal has said that it means whatever the listener wants it to.
  • Kiss from a rose might mean something that is somewhat entertaining, lovable, well-fragranced but also on the other hand, painful (Despite its charming beauty, rose has thorns). In love, you will surely experience the joy of having someone and also the pain of losing the loved one...

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