I went to Canada with the showband I was in - I loved it there
I went to Toronto once for a conference - it's a lovely city and I had a lot of fun. I lived in Texas at the time, so it was quite a change!
Jamaica. Lovely.
I am from North Carolina. The furthest i have been from home is either London or Paris... im not sure which one is further
Sydney Australia to Boston USA
i live in Florida, and the furthest I got was California.
Queenstown, New Zealand
Central China
Im from New York. Right now I am on an Island in Greece. Next month I go to Istanbul and after that Tbilisi, Georgia. COuple time zones.
America from England.
The Middle East
From England to Venezuela
I am from England. The furthest I have been from home is San Francisco.
i went to San francisco. thats 15000km from where i live (belgium) and the furthest i ever was able to aford to go.
From Seattle area to Mazatlan, Mexico
The British Isles.
The Great Barrier Reef, Australia. I live in the UK
I found it easier to take my home with me..! The score so far is 13 citys or towns and 3 different countries lived in... +7 foreign cities visited.!!! (and still counting)
"My home is in my head." ~bob m. So, not very far at all.
ive been to pennsylvania when i was 13 :D
Southeast ASia
well I live in Northern CA and the farthest I been so far has been New Orleans LA but hope to hit all 50 states some day which leaves me about half of them, really don't care if I travel any where else as I figure there is so much of the USA to see.
Japan.--I live in southern california.
I walked to my mailbox once. Haha no seriously I've been across the country (Australia) so about 3000 kms I guess.
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