• G-d smurphed them into existence.
  • I believe that smurfette wasn't a real smurf initially - she was evil, created by Gargamel, and had black hair. She was sent to get all the other (male) smurfs to fight each other over her. Papa smurf just changed her to make her nice (and the hair changed to blonde at that time.) ( Also - baby smurf appeared during a blue moon - and I think that's the only time that a new smurf is "born", we just never saw the birth of any other smurfs during the show, since they were all pretty old by the time we saw them (Papa smurf was like, 543 years old or something like that). They pretty much just magically appear! (Or, more likely, they "smurf" into being!)
  • Actaully, Smurfette was actually male but Gargomel turned him into a female so that they would fight each other to be with her. I'm pretty sure. I'd be willing to bet $ on it.
  • It's time to invent another religion to explain the unexplainable. And then we get to go to war, to deal with the non-believers.
  • There's so much inbreeding in that community that it's virtually impossible to tell. Why do you think they're all blue?
  • It's only a cartoon everyone !
  • I think smurfette was the town sl*t!!!!! LOL
  • Baby smurfs arrive via stork ever Blue Moon (Papa Smurf says that is once every 100 years).

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