• They are the ones.
  • I’ve been a Latter-day Saint for almost 18 years and have never heard of such a thing. I’m guessing whatever/whoever they are, they’re just an urban legend.
  • They make you offers that you can't confess?! ;-)
  • SHORT ANSWER: "Mormon Mafia" is short hand slang for the occasional conspiracy theories that swirl around the possibility of Modern Danites still operating in America (and possibly elsewhere). These conspiracies are feed by the fact that the FBI, CIA and other Government Clandestine organizations recruit heavily from Returned Mormon Missionaries for a variety of reasons - existing foreign language and extensive exposure to other cultures being primary among them. LONG ANSWER: (excerpted from an article that outlines one of those conspiracy theories) "DANITES: The Mormon Mafia (The UFOs' mystery Men In Black?) Intelligence Operations of Kolob's Secret Service All too many people seem to think that the development of a Resident Alien Nation, here, in Western America, is just not possible! But, then most people also know nothing about the Danites and Kolob's Secret Service (the Mormon Mafia). Nor their extensive International UFO Conspiracy network, through the old Axis Powers. But, they will, now! For, in Our earlier Article on THE RESIDENT ALIEN NATION, we examined the historical record, going all the way back to Ainu Japan, and then saw the rise of the RANI civilization here in Western America, up untill about World War II (and so on, through the next Article, on the KOLOB E.T. INVASION). Then, in Our previous Article on KOLOB'S DOMINION OF DESERET, we did an accurate military analysis of their armed forces and their potential for advanced weapons development (including strategies and objectives). And, from that you should see that this is no joke. They are serious about overthrowing the U.S. federal government, and replacing it with a totalitarian theocracy--FACISM! And, they are rapidly developing the means to do just that! So, how in the world are they pulling this off? Well, in this Article, we will try to explain their very effective means--the Danites. First we will see their historical development. And then we will detail for you, what we know of its current operations..." And so on and so forth . . . you get the gist.
  • A mormon friend told me they actually are called the avenging angels.
  • They use their collective power to put people out of business. They invest in other's businesses so they can collect tithing from it . They kill anybody who has any kind of physical evidence to tie them to criminal activity. They infiltrate agencies and organizations to be able to "use" their membership for their own purposes. I could go on and on, but the only one's who will probably believe it are the one's who've seen it. The people involved are either so afraid (I've seen this) or so brainwashed that they either do what they're told or believe what they are doing is right. Just think- IF YOU REALLY BELIEVED YOU WERE THE SAINTS OF THE LAST DAYS AS WRITTEN ABOUT IN THE BOOK OF DANIEL....AND "ALL YOUR LAWLESS DEEDS WOULD BE FORGIVEN AND YOU WILL RULE THE WORLD FOREVER" WHAT WOULD STOP YOU FROM MURDERING, STEALING (FROM THE GENTILES), LYING (FOR THE LORD)- YOU NAME IT- THEY DO IT. I guess if you remembered Christ saying "Get away from me, you workers of iniquity", when answering those who said "LORD, LORD, DIDN'T WE DO ALL THESE THINGS IN YOUR NAME?" , you might not do it. So many have forgotten or never read it........ Too bad.

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