• you were wrong.just pay the fine.
  • you can try, but i doubt you'll win.
  • Would where a side street meets the other street not be considered an intersection? Because in CA you can cross double yellow line to make a left into driveways, private roads and intersections.
  • Upfront, you admit crossing a double yellow line, which is a traffic violation in all states. So, whats your question? There is nothing to fight.
  • According to the CA Vehicle code, it says 21460(a) When double parallel solid lines are in place, no person driving a vehicle shall drive to the left thereof, except as permitted in this section. (c) either of the markings as specified in subdivision (a) or (b) does not prohibit a driver from crossing the marking when (1) turning to the left at any intersection or into or out of a driveway or private road, or (2) making a U-Turn under the rules governing that turn, and either of the markings shall be disregarded when authorized signs have been erected designating offcenter traffic lanes as permitted under Section 21657. So would I be able to fight this if I can argue that it is an intersection? And according to the vehicle code that the officer cited me as having broken, am I not in my right to cross those lines in the process of making a left turn into another street? This is a single set of double yellow lines, not double.

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