• I saw it on a site...I think it was ebaums. I don't know why it is so popular but it is catchy...initially....until it drives you to the point of insanity. I haven't seen any parodies of it though.
  • I despise that song or whatever it is that you want to call it..I am thinking that it originated from Ebaums World or Youtube..
  • "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" is a Flash animation that emerged in the early 2000s and became an Internet phenomenon. Based upon a song of the same name recorded by the Buckwheat Boyz, the best known version of the animation (usually distributed as a Flash clip) shows a heavily pixelated animated Dancing Banana (itself a well-known emoticon) moving back and forth to the song's repetitive chorus. The original version was made by Ryan Gancenia Etrata and Kevin Flynn from a thread on In some versions of the animation, the song's lyrics are displayed on screen.

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