• Casinos make their money at these games by taking a small percentage of the winning pot. There is no house edge because you're playing against the other players at the table with you.
  • There are 2 ways a casino makes money on poker. In cash games, they take a small amount of the pot called a "rake." If the casino is hosting a poker tournament, then the casino takes a percentage of the total prize pool to pay the casino workers, tournament directors, etc.
  • Just a little add-on. While taking a rake is the most common way for the house to generate income from live poker, it is not the only way. Some casinos charge time, which is a fee paid usually every half hour, collected by the dealer from all players at once, rather than raking something out of every pot. This is the only almost all casino make their money in high limit games, as the chips used in these games are too large to break down every time, in every pot to take 4-5 dollars. Another way is a "drop" in which a a certain player (usually the button) posts an extra blind, which is automatically dropped in the rake box at the beginning of the hand, and the money posted counts towards the player's initial bet.

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