• Depends on the culture. In Buddhist cultures, the family usually wears white because it is the colour for grieving. Judaism calls for conservative dress in dark colors to show respect. So, as you can see, you've asked an unanswerable question! As for how appropriate it is to wear white to a funeral - In America, the tradition is to wear black. But since America is supposed to be representative of ALL cultures, I don't see a problem with white. The whole idea behind a funeral is to pay your last respects to the person who has passed. If you believe this color choice reflects your respect of that person, then go for it!
  • depends on the culture and hotter countries like india, they wear white but in canada and america its black
  • It has become more acceptable in western countries to wear white. Some cultures forbid it. I would say here in the US. Do what you want as long as it is tasteful.
  • When I went to my father in-laws funeral I wore a dark blue 3 piece suit. Have you heard of Mac Mckinney? Check out Western Kentucky University Basket Ball Hall of Fame for 1995. I married Oran Mckinney's daughter. I remember going to his funeral like it was yesterday.
  • I don't see why not. I would just stay away from bright colorful prints.
  • black or a dark color its to sho remoris an respect you are sad for the loss.
  • I think it's more preferable to wear dark/black clothing, but it's up to you.
  • If your in Asia.
  • To a Chinese funeral. +5
  • I think a darker color would go better, but white isn't bad, just no bright colors.
  • Depends on what country you live in.

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