• An alto saxophone is one variety of saxophone, an instrument invented in the 1800s by the Belgian Antoine-Joseph Sax, who combined the mouthpiece of a woodwind instrument with the body of a brass instrument. Saxophones are played in a variety of musical styles and are particularly popular as jazz instruments.

    Saxophone Varieties

    There are four common types of saxophones. Listed from highest to lowest tones, they are soprano, alto, tenor and baritone. Of these, the two most frequently seen and heard are the alto and tenor varieties.


    An alto saxophone is slightly smaller than a tenor sax, which affects the tone and range of the instrument.


    An alto saxophone has a higher pitch and range of notes than a tenor saxophone, thanks to its smaller size. The alto is an E-flat sax, opposed to the B-flat tenor.


    You can tell an alto saxophone from a tenor sax not only by its slightly smaller size, but by the instruments' necks: The alto has a straight neck, while the tenor's is curved.


    The alto saxophone is considered a good beginner's saxophone, thanks to its manageable shape and size. Once you learn how to play an alto sax, it's relatively easy to transfer your skill to other varieties of the instrument.


    What is the difference between the Alto Sax and Tenor Sax?

    Types of Saxophones

    The History of the Saxophone

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