• All women have heard about menopause, but fewer women seem to know about premenopause, the time before a woman reaches full menopause. It's a time marked by hormonal shifts in a woman's body as it prepares for the end of ovulation and menstrual cycles.


    Premenopause---often called perimenopause---is the body signal that a hormonal shift is taking place that will culminate in menopause, according to the Menopause to Health website.

    Primary Symptoms

    Premenopause has a variety of symptoms, the most significant of which is a change in the menstrual cycle, including erratic periods, changes in blood flow and changes in the length of periods.

    Secondary Symptoms

    Premenopause's other symptoms include headaches, body aches, insomnia, hot flashes, weight gain---in particular around the belly and hips--mood swings, irritability, decreased sex drive, water retention and breast tenderness.

    Time Frame

    Women will begin experiencing symptoms of premenopause about eight to ten years before they go through menopause. Typically, this begins at about age 40, according to Menopause to Health.


    It is considered to be the onset of menopause when a woman doesn't have a period for a year, according to Menopause to Health.


    Menopause to Health: Premenopause Symptoms--What They Are

    More Information:

    Mayo Clinic: Menopause

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