• If you manage to cook rice on the stove top without it boiling over, there's still a chance it might not turn out right. All you really need is a rice cooker, which has several benefits.

    Different Sizes

    Rice cookers can be purchased in different sizes, which you can base on the number of people you normally cook for. The most popular sizes include the 3-cup and 8-cup models.

    Ease of Use

    Rice cookers are extremely easy to use. Just measure the water and rice, add to the rice cooker and set the timer.

    Perfect Rice

    The main benefit of a rice cooker is having perfect rice each time. If the directions are followed exactly, the rice will have the perfect texture and the right amount of moisture.

    Warmer Setting

    Just like the slow cooker, rice cookers with a timer allow the user to prepare rice while they're out of the home. Once the rice is cooked, the cooker will switch to the warmer setting and keep the rice at the perfect temperature.

    Buffet Server

    Because rice cookers contain a warmer setting, they can be used at potlucks and other functions where a buffet is being served. The rice will remain perfect throughout the buffet.


    High-end rice cookers have the benefit of cooking a variety of different types of rice that may require longer cooking times. Higher-end models can cook rice faster and give the user complete control over texture and moisture.


    Thai Table: Choosing a Rice Cooker or Steamer

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