• Carcinoid cancer has been on the minds of medical scientists for many years, yet its direct cause still has not been pinned down. Some studies have revealed correlations between lifestyles, circumstances and carcinoid cancer.


    In carcinoid cancer, mutated DNA codes cause the cells of the neuroendocrine system to reproduce uncontrollably, forming a mass that continues to grow. Eventually, the mass invades surrounding tissues.

    Suspected Causes

    Mutagens, which are physical or chemical or physical agents that increase the frequency of mutations, have been linked to carcinoid cancer. A hereditary condition of malformed DNA sequences is also suspected.

    Risk Factors

    Older adults are more likely to develop carcinoid tumors, and family genetic history is significant, since inherited DNA mutations often advance into carcinoid cancer conditions. Smoking tobacco also has been identified as a contributing factor.


    Symptoms can include abdominal pain, bowel obstruction, changes in bowel movements and diarrhea. Rectal bleeding is associated with cancer in or near the rectum. Chest pain, breathing difficulty and recurrent pneumonia also can occur.


    Carcinoid tumors can lead to heart disease, stomach ulcers and Cushing's syndrome, among other complications.


    Mayo Clinic Information on Carcinoid Cancer

    Carcinoid Cancer Foundation

    National Cancer Institute

    More Information:

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