• According to the Mayo Clinic, Achilles tendinitis occurs when too much stress is put on the muscles in the leg and on the Achilles tendon. If treated early, Achilles tendinitis can be easily remedied. However, if left untreated the tendon can rupture.


    Achilles tendinitis is common in people who play sports such as basketball. Also, the sudden introduction of intense exercise can cause the condition.


    According to the Mayo Clinic, self-care is usually all that is needed to treat Achilles tendinitis. This includes a combination of ice, rest and over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin or ibuprofen.


    If conservative home treatment doesn't resolve the pain, your doctor may suggest you wear an orthotic device while you heal. This device slips into your shoe, elevating the heel and taking pressure off the tendon.


    According to the Mayo Clinic, severe cases of Achilles tendinitis sometimes require the use of a special boot and crutches to resolve. This boot is designed to take all strain off the leg and tendon.


    If none of the other methods resolves your Achilles tendinitis, your doctor may suggest surgery. This procedure, which takes away any inflamed tissue, is a last resort, says the Mayo Clinic.


    Mayo Clinic: Achilles Tendinitis

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