• Transformed migraines are migraines that start out happening occasionally, but over time their frequency increases until they are happening on a daily basis. They are also called chronic migraines. These migraines can be treated, but their complex nature makes them challenging to treat. A sufferer often needs the help of a health specialist to find the right treatment.

    Medicines that Relieve the Migraine

    When a migraine has begun, you can take pain-relieving medicines to ease the symptoms. The Mayo Clinic lists examples of these pain-relievers, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, triptans, ergot, anti-nausea medications, butalbital combinations and opiates.

    Medicines that Prevent the Migraine

    Sometimes doctors prescribe medicines that help prevent the transformed migraines. These medications will not stop the migraines once they start, but they can help decrease the frequency and severity of the attacks and also increase the ability of the pain-relieving medicines to work when a migraine occurs. The Mayo Clinic lists examples of these medicines, including cardiovascular drugs (beta blockers), antidepressants, anti-seizure drugs, cyproheptadine and botulinum toxin type A (botox).

    Muscle Relaxation Techniques

    For some transformed migraine sufferers, relaxation techniques can bring relief from the frequency or severity of migraines. The Mayo Clinic recommends progression muscle relaxation, meditation or yoga. You can learn these relaxation techniques by taking classes or by using books or tapes.


    Resting in a dark and quiet room when the migraine starts can help some transformed migraine sufferers. You may find that resting with an ice pack on the back of your neck or the areas of your head that are hurting can help ease the pain.

    Healthy Lifestyle

    To keep the migraines from occurring with such frequency or severity, transformed migraine sufferers should pursue a healthy lifestyle. The National Headache Foundation recommends getting regular and adequate sleep, choosing a healthful diet and exercising.


    National Headache Foundation: Transformed Migraines

    Cleveland Clinic: Transformed Migraines

    Mayo Clinic: Migraine (Treatment & Drugs)

    More Information:

    National Headache Foundation

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