• Laminate flooring is an engineered floor cover designed to mimic a natural, more expensive floor cover like tile, wood or stone. The higher quality laminate floors are difficult to distinguish from the natural materials when installed properly making them a viable option when natural materials are unsuitable.


    Developed in Sweden in the late 1980s, laminate flooring began as thin material produced from paper to create decorative countertops, wall paneling and furniture.


    Laminate is manufactured using heat and pressure. An ornamental layer is glued and pressed into a synthetic base.


    Often referred to as floating floors, laminate products are not secured to the sub-floor beneath them. Lock and groove technology is used to snap the pieces of laminate together with or without glue.


    Laminate floors cost less than traditional, natural floors. They are durable, often harder and more stain resistant than their natural counterparts.


    Some laminate flooring products are not water-resistant making them unsuitable for certain areas of the home. Since the decorative layer is thin, over time, scuffs and scratches can allow the base layer to show through.


    Laminate Vs Hardwood Flooring

    Laminate History

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