• Mobile or Small Message Service (SMS) marketing is one of the newest ways to get the attention of your clients. As a company, though, you have to watch out to make sure that you aren't crossing a line with your customers.


    The function of SMS messaging is to "get the word out" as quickly as possible. The best use of marketing through text messages is if your company is having some kind of promotion for a very limited time (say just hours) and you want your most loyal customers to know right then. SMS marketing is also a great way to get your customers involved and have them interact with your company.


    Due to its instant nature, SMS marketing has an immediate impact. Almost everyone has a mobile phone and many mobile customers use text messages on a regular basis. SMS marketing is a proven marketing tool that is a cost-effective approach and it gets results.


    SMS marketing has been around since 2002. Since it was introduced, companies have pursued the strategy aggressively. Watching any channel on television on a regular basis, you often will see a number and the instructions to send a text message to to either sign up for a service or subscribe to a newsletter or promotional material. SMS donations for help with the Haiti earthquake disaster were pursued to great effect by the Red Cross and other charitable organizations .

    How to Utilize SMS Marketing

    The easiest way to implement SMS marketing is by using a database of cell phone numbers your company has already collected. You have access to everyone who has responded to a promotional offer for a newsletter or other items and given their cell phone number. All you need to do as a marketer is to send a bulk SMS message through a mobile marketing service. Whether interested persons texted to get something free or to get "more information," the promotion has succeeded. When utilizing SMS marketing, it is important to not overstep your boundaries with your client base. Too many messages not only could annoy your best customers, they could also start ignoring messages that have little to no value. SMS marketing should only be used when your company has something that will make the potential shopper react right then.

    Fun Facts

    The first SMS marketing campaign was run by the Labatt Brewing Company in 2002. The very first SMS message was sent in 1992 from Neil Papworth to Richard Jarvis. The message said "Merry Christmas."


    Mobile Marketing Association

    SMS Marketing

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