• There are only a few manufacturers of laptop computers in the world. However, these few make thousands of different models a year. It can be challenging for even the most dedicated IT consultant to determine which laptop is best.


    As an IT consultant you need to have a laptop that can go with you to the client's place of business or home. There are applications, programs and tools you need to have at your disposal, and your laptop must be able to run these applications efficiently.


    The laptop you use is your primary business tool and represents your business, just as a reception area represents a company. If it looks cheap, repaired or old, that is the impression you give of your IT consulting business.


    You want to focus on price and get the most machine for the fewest dollars. However, you must consider that the price is going to reflect how long the PC will last and the types of processes it can handle.


    Determine what specifications you need as an IT consultant. You need to know the type of processor, the screen size, the weight of the machine, the hard drive and memory specifications you want. These specifications are determined by what applications you plan on running.


    Obviously, you probably know how to replace essential parts in your new laptop, but these can be expensive, so you want a laptop that has a comprehensive, long warranty.


    Free Computer Consultant: Laptop Buying Guide

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