• An acid carboy is a 6.5-gallon glass or plastic container. They are basically the same as regular carboys and can be used to store fluids such as wine, beer or laboratory chemicals.


    Brewing is the main use of an acid carboy. According to the Glossary of Packaging Terminology, a carboy is also known as a demijohn. Carboys are typically fitted with a rubber stopper to prevent oxygen from coming inside.


    The term carboy originates from the Persian qarabah, which translated literally means "big jug."

    Brewing Aspects

    It is essential to use a glass acid carboy during the secondary fermentation process, as glass does not absorb air. Plastic containers do absorb air, which causes the wine to corrode and possibly turn bad.


    Carboys have a narrow neck with a slender cavity that allows the inclusion of a bung and an airlock.

    Laboratory Use

    In a laboratory situation, acid carboys are made of plastic. However, in some university settings they are made from ferric glass.


    Pressed for Wine: Carboy

    Glossary of Packaging Terminology; W. Soroka; 2008

    Hull Museums Collections: The Carboy

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