• Calling cards, also known as phone cards, are plastic cards used to make telephone calls from any cell, home or pay telephone. These cards, which are sold at drugstores, grocery stores and gas stations, come in handy when you are short on cash and need to keep your long distance spending under control.


    According to Calling Card Plus website, calling cards are used for making domestic and international telephone numbers using minutes that have been purchased in advance.


    You make calls using a calling card by dialing an access telephone number, usually a toll-free number, then entering a PIN. Following the prompts, you then enter the desired telephone number and wait to be connected to your call. Once you have completed your call, the total minutes for your call will be deducted from your calling card balance.


    One benefit to using a calling card is that minutes are prepaid, thus, you will not have to worry about receiving a long distance bill. Another benefit is your personal telephone number remains private.


    Many calling cards charge access, connection, maintenance and disconnection fees.


    When you use your calling card, be aware that some companies use a billing method called, "rounding up," in which they round your call to the next minute. For example, a call lasting for two minutes and 10 seconds would be billed at three minutes from your calling card balance.


    Calling Card Basics

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