• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: It's Sturdy and Inexpensive

    Tungsten can be a great material for a ring, according to Arizona-based jewelry designer Arlee Kasselman, because it's attractive, durable and doesn't easily tarnish or lose its shine. Tungsten is also more affordable than gold or platinum, making it that much more viable an option for those on a budget.

    On the Other: You Sacrifice Flexibility points out that tungsten rings can't be re-sized, which could be a deterrent to anyone who gains or loses weight frequently. Since tungsten can't be cut, the rings are also difficult to remove in the event of any emergency and have to be laser-etched rather than engraved.

    Bottom Line

    Tungsten rings are good for anyone in the market for a good-looking durable ring that will keep its form and finish better than other metals. Those who need something that can be cut, engraved or resized, however, should consider a different material.


    Arlee Kasselman; Professional Jewelry Designer; Scottsdale, Arizona

    Tungsten Rings: Pros and Cons Titanium and Tungsten

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