• Anemia is a condition where red blood cells are not healthy enough to carry sufficient oxygen to different parts of the body. If your anemia is mild, it could go undetected, leaving you feeling tired or dizzy in the future. Check your symptoms in order to protect yourself from undiagnosed anemia.


    Anemia is a disorder related to the blood, so the symptoms are also related to blood. Paleness, irregular heart beat, chest pain and even some confusion can be symptoms of anemia. In women, these symptoms may increase during menstruation because blood is lost in a larger amount.


    When untreated, mild anemia can become more severe. It can cause extreme fatigue, heart irregularities, nerve damage, cognitive issues and even death in extreme cases. Death typically only occurs in very severe cases where a chronic condition is present.


    Mild anemia is caused by a host of different factors. Common factors include: iron deficiency, vitamin deficiency, sickle cell anemia and chronic illness. For example, anemia can follow cancer or HIV diagnoses.

    Natural Treatment

    Most mild anemias are caused by deficiencies. Deficiencies can be cured by taking vitamin supplements or iron supplements. Eating a more balanced diet may also introduce the necessary nutrients to the blood to repair red blood cells.

    Medical Treatment

    Medical treatment is only necessary when anemia is caused by other factors, such as bone marrow disorders or sickle cell trait. In these cases, a transfusion or blood or bone marrow may be necessary to cure anemia.


    MayoClinic: Summary of anemia

    WebMD: Understanding anemia

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