• Considered one of the most important tests for women's health, a Pap smear should be performed annually. It tests for a range of dangerous diseases and conditions in a woman's reproductive system.


    A Pap smear is a test that consists of inserting a swab into the cervix to collect cells. These cells are then tested for various cancers, and any additional abnormal cell formations.


    Pap smears may be administered by a licensed medical physician (including a gynecologist), a physician's assistant, a nurse midwife or a nurse practitioner.


    It is a common misconception that only gynecologists can give Pap smears; however, any licensed physician can perform one.


    The benefits of a Pap smear include early detection of any cancers or disease. It also assures optimal vaginal health, as Pap smears are used to diagnose yeast infections.


    Missing a Pap smear can be life-threatening, because cancer cells that would have otherwise been caught by a Pap smear may instead grow and spread to other areas of the body.

    Source: What is a Pap Smear How Is A Pap Smear Performed? Why Are Regular Pap Smears So Important?

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