• Convertible cribs are a style of crib that converts from a normal crib to a toddler bed and sometimes to a full-size bed. They are a great way to save money and gain the most use out of the crib.

    Regular Crib

    Convertible cribs are first assembled as a regular crib for an infant or baby. Many of the same features as other cribs are available, such as the adjustable mattress levels.

    Toddler Bed

    Most convertible cribs change into a toddler bed. One side is removed and replaced with a toddler rail that allows the toddler to climb out but prevents them from falling out while sleeping.


    A daybed is another option that convertible cribs can be made into. At this stage, it still resembles the crib but the toddler rail is removed.

    Full-Size Bed

    Turning a convertible crib into a full size bed is done by using the two longer sides of the crib as the headboard and the footboard. A normal mattress and bed rails are needed to complete the conversion.

    Things to Consider

    Before purchasing, consider if another baby will need to use the crib in the future. Also, purchase any extra rails needed to convert, they may no longer be available years later when they are needed.


    The Baby Department: Convertible Cribs

    Convertible Cribs: Different Convertible Crib Options

    More Information:

    BabyZone: Crib Buying Guide

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