• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: The Soil Controls Its Own Watering

    Glass watering bulbs work for indoor houseplants and potted herbs by slowly allowing water to be sucked from the small end of the bulb into the soil around a plant as the soil dries out. This way, the plant is watered slowly and steadily until the water in the bulb runs out, usually after three to five days.

    On the Other: Many Consumer Complaints

    However, consumers who have tested the product complain that they are dangerous around children, as the glass is fragile and can break. Moreover, they complain that the glass bulbs cannot work outdoors--again because they are too fragile--and that the tip tends to get clogged with dirt, which blocks the water flow.

    Bottom Line

    Glass watering bulbs are effective for indoor plants that you can keep an eye on, if you can keep soil from clogging the tip. However, for outdoor plants, stick to watering cans, hoses or more sturdy water bulbs made at home of old soda bottles.


    My Garden Guide: Glass Watering Bulbs

    Measured Up: Aqua Globe

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