• Scoliosis is a condition in which your spine curves abnormally in either a C or S shape. The condition has various treatment options that depend on the severity of a case. Mild scoliosis treatment may include regular checkups, wearing an underarm brace, and chiropractic care.


    Scoliosis, a non-fatal but incurable disease, develops during childhood, typically before puberty. According to e-Med TV, 3 to 5 out of every 1,000 prepubescents develop scoliosis.

    Treatment Plan

    An orthopedic spine specialist typically advises a family on how to best treat scoliosis. Many factors, including gender, bone maturity, curve pattern, and location of curve, should be taken into consideration when developing a scoliosis treatment plan.


    Scoliosis tends to be more progressive in females. S shaped curves located in the middle of the spine are the worst possible cases of scoliosis.


    Mild scoliosis treatment typically involves regular visits to the doctor every 4 to 6 months to monitor any progression of the scoliosis. Once the patient stops growing the threat of the scoliosis getting worse minimizes.

    Underarm Brace

    An underarm brace, worn underneath clothing, prevents cases of mild scoliosis from becoming worse. The effectiveness of the underarm brace depends on the patient wearing the brace as much as possible.

    Chiropractic Care

    Mild scoliosis in adulthood can cause back pain. Chiropractic care can be an effective way to relieve this pain.


    Mayo Clinic: Scoliosis

    e-Med TV: Scoliosis Treatments

    National Scoliosis Foundation: Chiropractic

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