• An infected tongue is also known as glossitis. Glossitis has a very recognizable appearance and can be treated easily.


    Some common causes of glossitis include a viral or bacterial infection, hot and spicy food, tobacco and alcohol, a yeast infection and complications from vitamin B deficiencies.


    Glossitis is often deep red in color. The swollen tongue might be very tender to the touch, making it difficult to talk and eat. Sometimes the papillae (small bumps on the surface of the tongue) might be absent, making the tongue appear smooth.


    Good oral hygiene, including brushing your teeth twice per day and flossing, is important in both treatment and prevention. Antibiotics and anti-fungal medication might be prescribed, depending on the cause of the infection. Avoiding spicy and hot food, as well as tobacco and alcohol, also might help.


    Swelling can cause difficulty swallowing and talking. It also poses the risk of a blocked airway.


    Call your doctor if the glossitis lasts longer than 10 days or if the swelling is severe enough to cause talking and swallowing difficulty. A blocked airway is cause for immediate emergency care.


    Medline Plus: Glossitis

    More Information:

    WebMD: Oral Health Center

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