• Jaundice is a medical condition causing the yellowing of the skin and whitening of the eyes due to fluctuating levels of bilirubin in the bloodstream. It can be a complication of many different diseases and conditions.


    In a healthy person, bilirubin, a waste product in the blood, is converted into conjugated bilirubin in the liver and excreted through feces.

    High Billirubin

    Jaundice symptoms can occur when there is too much bilirubin in the bloodstream for the liver to process. This can occur in people with hemolytic anemia or other red blood cell diseases.

    Liver Dysfunction

    A dysfunction of the liver, from liver disease or other complications, can shut down the bilirubin-filtering process, causing levels to increase and showing symptoms of jaundice.

    Bile Ducts

    Conjugated bilirubin is secreted through bile. A blockage in bile ducts from the liver to the intestines can cause increased bilirubin in the bloodstream. Blockages can occur from cancers, gallstones and inflammation of the intestines.


    Malaria destroys red blood cells in the body at a rapid pace. This increases levels of the bilirubin waste product in the blood stream that leads to jaundice.


    WebMD: Jaundice in Babies and Children Jaundice

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