• Biogenesis is the idea that all life comes from life, and not out of nonliving matter. It is set against the idea of spontaneous generation, which is the idea that life can spontaneously form in non-living matter.

    Spontaneous generation

    Since ancient times, people have observed life such as mold and maggots appearing from seemingly nonliving matter. It was concluded that life simply could emerge spontaneously.


    Biogenesis theory began when scientists began to observe microscopic life through microscopes. With this, it became clear that the apparent spontaneous growth of life was actually from pre-existing life.


    Biogenesis means that living cells can arise only from pre-existing, living cells. The presence of billions of microscopic lifeforms around us is responsible for the growth of molds and other life that appears around us.

    Louis Pasteur

    Spontaneous generation was refuted in an experiment run by scientist Louis Pasteur in 1859. He boiled meat and isolated it from microscopic organisms, but not air. When he introduced microorganisms, then microbial colonies started to grow on the meat.


    Abiogenesis is the study of how, billions of years ago, the first life might have formed from organic compounds. This could not happen today because Earth's environment has changed. Biogenesis and abiogenesis are not necessarily in conflict with each other.

    Source: Louis Pasteur The slow death of sponateous generation A neutral definition

    More Information: Controversies of Spontaneous Generation

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