• Cottonseed oil is the oil extracted from the seeds of the cotton plant, part of the Malvaceae group of plants, along with okra and cacao. It is light yellow in color and can be consumed by both humans and animals. It is one of four major genetically modified crops, along with soy, corn and rapeseed oils, used for making canola oil.


    Cottonseed is used mostly in salad dressings, marinades and mayonaise due to its ability to keep things from going bad. It is third behind corn and soy oil in consumption.


    Cottonseed oil is a light oil that can withstand high cooking temperatures without altering its state. Because of this, it is used for cooking fish, and for stir fries and other Asian dishes that require cooking at a high heat.

    Use in Processed Foods

    Cottonseed oil is relatively cheap and is used in a variety of processed food products due to its immunity from becoming rancid. Cottonseed oil is one of the main ingredients in potato chips and in Crisco. Other processed foods use it as well because of its long shelf life.


    The Malvaceae group of plants, which includes not only cotton but okra and cacao, have an oil in their leaves, stems and roots that is an insect repellent.


    Cotton is not considered a food crop, so it is allowed to be heavily treated with toxins to protect the plant. Experts say these toxins can be found in cottonseed. Cottonseeds naturally contain gossypol, which has been linked to infertility in rats and used in studies as a contraceptive in humans.


    Source: facts

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