• The sacroiliac (SI) joints connect the pelvis to the spine. Problems with the joints often cause low back pain, pain in the buttocks or leg pain. Inflammation of the joint (sacroiliitis) can make even the slightest movement painful.

    Causes of SI Joint Pain

    Overuse, strain, pregnancy, injury/trauma to the back can cause SI joint pain. Degenerative arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis also sometimes affects the SI joints. In the case of sacroiliitis, infection stemming from IV drug use or other causes is sometimes the culprit.

    Do Not Ignore Symptoms

    A backache after a hard day of work may simply need rest. According to the National Institutes of Health, however, if you have symptoms of tingling or numbness in the legs, difficulty urinating, pain after an accident, problems with walking or sudden fever, you should seek medical attention. Call your physician's office or local nurse helpline for guidance if you have questions about whether your back pain needs treatment.

    Do Not Ignore Medical Advice

    Rest, anti-inflammatory medications and guided physical therapy are typical treatment modalities for SI joint pain. Injections are sometimes considered. Sacroiliitis, depending upon the cause, may require more invasive therapy and even hospitalization. Regardless of the therapy prescribed, carefully follow the instructions given by your health-care professional.

    Do Not Smoke

    Mayo Clinic notes that smoking slows recovery by decreasing circulation. The jarring resulting from a smoker's cough can also worsen pain from SI joint dysfunction.

    Do Practice Prevention

    A healthy lifestyle that includes routine, appropriate exercise can decrease the risk of back strain. Ask your physician for handouts or guidelines on exercises that strengthen the back and lifting techniques that help prevent injury.


    National Institutes of Health: Back Pain

    Mayo Clinic: Sacroiliitis

    American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Spinal Injections

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