• Pulse oximetry is an easy way for health professionals to measure the amount of oxygen in someone's blood, by using a pulse oximeter.

    Oxygen Saturation

    Oxygen saturation literally means how much oxygen is in a person's blood. The oxygen binds to hemoglobin (red blood cells). The amount of oxygen hemoglobin can carry is measured in percentages. A value below 90 percent could be an indicator of hypoxemia, or decreased oxygen in the blood.

    Optimum Range

    A person's level of oxygen saturation should always be between 95 and 99 percent.


    A pulse oximeter shines two beams of light through a finger. These beams of light--one beam of red light and one of infrared light--detect what color the blood is and how much oxygen is carried in that blood.


    The accuracy of pulse oximeters is usually spot on. However, there are limitations, such as possible operator error.

    Other Limitations

    Pulse oximeters have several limitations that can lead to inaccurate readings. They can't be reliable with a poor signal. In addition, oximeters may give a false reading due to nail polish or a person's dark skin tone.


    Pulse Oximeter

    Pulse Oximetry

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