• Anxiety isn't a feeling, but rather the body's safety-mechanism response to a threat. Although anxiety symptoms can be emotional and mental, they're also physical. That factor can mislead anxiety sufferers to believe their disorder is related to a more serious illness.


    Anxiety can trigger physical symptoms related to the heart such as palpitations or chest pains. Your heart may feel like it is pounding or fluttering, and the chest tightens, or feels sharp or shooting pains, according to Anxiety Centre.


    Breathing is another challenge when suffering from anxiety. The throat tightens, you breathe faster or even begin choking as the body attempts to get the oxygen it needs.


    Loss of appetite or taste can occur from anxiety. You could experience dry mouth, tightened jaw, teeth grinding, or a "constant craving for sugar or sweets," according to Anxiety Centre.


    An upset stomach is a common physical symptom of anxiety that may include nausea, indigestion or diarrhea. These are only a few symptoms that can also cause sharp pains to the chest, neck and throat, as suggested by Anxiety Centre.


    Anxiety can cause dizziness, frequent headaches or migraines. Some sufferers feel numbness, tingling or shooting pains around the face, scalp or neck.


    Anxiety Centre

    Healthy Place

    More Information:

    Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options for Anxiety

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