• If you are a Verizon customer, it is very important that you know how to read your bill, Verizon bills come in both paper and online versions, however, both types have the same information. You may also have either a standard bill or you may have a FiOS (fiber optic service) bill.

    Personal Information

    In the first few lines of the bill, you will see your name, address, account number, telephone number and the term of this particular billing.

    Account Summary

    In this section, you will see your previous balance, how much you paid toward your previous balance and the new balance. Then you will see the overview of new charges, which is a brief breakdown of your products and services, as well as how much you owe for each.

    New Charges Breakdown

    The new charges breakdown is the area of the bill in which you see an in-depth outline of what you are paying for, which includes your residential telephone, Internet service, television services and, in some cases, your cellular phone charges.

    Taxes, Fees and Other Charges

    This section is where you will find out how much of your bill is taxes and fees, such as state taxes and surcharges.


    In this area, you will find notices from Verizon and a summary of any new information that happened during the last billing cycle such as equipment rentals, upgrades to your services and disconnect notices.

    Restatement of Charges

    This area of your bill is dedicated to repeating how much you owe, it includes your past due amount, your current bill amount and how much you owe overall.


    Verizon: Bill Demo

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