• With weight-loss surgeries, also called bariatric surgeries, you can modify your digestive system to help you consume less food and lose weight. There are a variety of bariatric surgeries you and your doctor may choose from.

    Lab-Band Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB)

    Your surgeon divides you stomach into two by placing an adjustable, inflatable band around it. The band causes you to digest food at a slower rate so you stay fuller longer.


    The LAGB, however, is not recommended for people wit medical conditions like hiatal hernias or gastric ulcers, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    Roux-en-Y Surgery

    With this gastric bypass surgery, your stomach is stapled to create a smaller one. In addition, this surgery creates a way for the food you consume to bypass an area of your small intestine.

    Biliopancreatic Diversion

    If you chose the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, approximately 80 percent of your stomach will be removed. However, the duodenal switch which releases the food into the small intestine remains. As a result, your stomach resembles a thin, sleeve-like tube.

    Switch Risks

    The risk to the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch surgery includes malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies. So you'll need to be closely monitored.


    Mayo Clinic: Gastric Bypass Surgery

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