• Flail chest refers to a condition in which a person suffers three or more rib fractures. The prognosis for flail chest depends on the number of rib fractures, the severity of the fractures and the patient's age.


    Chest trauma, which can occur from events such as automobile accidents and falling, leads to flail chest.


    A doctor's examination typically serves as the first step in diagnosing flail chest. Doctors can use X-rays to confirm or eliminate the flail chest diagnosis.


    Standard treatment for flail chest includes oral pain medication and being taught how to manage your injuries. Some flail chest patients may require use of mechanical ventilation.


    The effects of chest trauma on your heart and lungs act as a crucial aspect of flail chest. Damage done to your heart and lungs can lead to cardiac injuries.


    Flail chest is the leading cause of death for people who suffer from chest trauma.


    e-Medicine: Flail Chest

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