• Sea urchins are spherical ocean creatures covered with poky spines. Sea urchins feed on kelp and seaweed, helping reefs and tidal areas from becoming overrun with seaweed. Sea urchins have a handful of predators, with humans being the No. 1 threat.


    According to Stanford University, humankind is one of the top predators of sea urchins. Sea urchin farming, specifically in Asian countries, accounts for millions of pounds of sea urchins harvested each year.


    Otters search for sea urchins in dense areas of kelp. Otters crack the shell by slamming two sea urchins together or banging the urchins against a rock or other hard surface.


    A triggerfish eats sea urchins by slamming them on the ground and forcefully diving into them with its nose, until the sea urchin breaks open. The triggerfish's sharp teeth help it eat through parts of the shell.

    Sea Turtles

    The powerful jaws of a sea turtle mean it can crack open a sea urchin with ease. Sea turtles aren't a top predator of sea urchins, but they will eat sea urchins when jellyfish aren't available.


    Starfish wrap their bodies around the sea urchin, using their stomach to crush the shell. Then the starfish sucks up the meaty middle of the sea urchin.


    Stanford University

    Florida Museum of Natural History

    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

    More Information:

    Marine Parks: More about sea urchins

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