• Medical transcriptionists are charged with generating written reports and documents from dictated recordings containing medical information about patients and procedures. Formal certification is not an industry requirement, but having recognized qualifications on paper may be the key to advancing in the medical transcription field.


    Criteria for certified medical transcriptionists include an exam administered by the Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI) and two years of onsite experience in an acute care setting. Candidates typically complete a 1 or 2 year training program before taking the exam.


    To receive accreditation from the AHDI, medical transcription programs cover recommended coursework in areas such as medical terminology, physiology, pharmacology, anatomy, English grammar, computer technology and word processing. Employers prefer candidates who have received training in an accredited post-secondary level program, ensuring an employee's qualifications for the position.


    The AHDI Candidate Guide defines certified transcriptionists as individuals with advanced knowledge in a specialty or familiarity with various transcription formats. These skills allow certified workers to transition into specialized transcription fields, such as radiology, immunology, anesthesiology, and other subjects.


    Certified medical transcriptionists must renew certification every 3 years and meet additional education and testing requirements throughout certification. These regulations compel transcriptionists to remain up-to-date with changes and advancements in the field.


    Knowledge of multiple methods of transcribing is an essential requirement for transcriptionists who want to open a private business or move into a teaching/supervisory role.


    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly wage for medical transcriptionists in 2008 was $15.41, with the top ten percent earning over $21. Certified medical transcriptionists are typically paid more than registered transcriptionists and have access to more employment opportunities.


    Bureau of Labor Statistics: Medical Transcriptionists

    Brain Track: Medical Transcription Training

    Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity: CMT Candidate Guide

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