• All plants are members of the kingdom plantae. They are multicellular, have chloroplasts (the ability to make their own food) and rigid cell walls. Plants have six parts.


    The roots anchor plants in the ground and pick up water and nutrients.


    Stems help hold the plant upright to reach the sun so that the plant can turn sunlight into food. The stem also carries water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves.


    The leaves are used for the process of photosynthesis. They have tiny openings to allow in air and water. Leaves can be simple, meaning there is only one blade attached to the stem, or complex, meaning there are many leaflets attached to the stem.


    Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants. The petals of the flower help attract bees and other animals that bring pollen to the plant, which allows it to reproduce.


    The fruit of a plant grows to protect the fertilized seeds. Fruits may be hard and dry or fleshy to protect the seeds.


    Seeds contain all the parts necessary to grow a tiny new plant, as well as a short-term food supply for the new plant.


    Biology Encyclopedia, "Plant"

    University of Illinois Extension, "The Great Plant Escape"

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