• In the tarot deck, the suit of cups indicates any matters related to emotion, intuition and the heart. The Ace often signifies new beginnings and unification.


    When the Ace of Cups appears, it may indicate a need to be more connected with one's own feelings, or to listen to one's heart in a particular matter.


    The Ace may indicate the need to show empathy or compassion in a trying situation. It may also indicate the need to be considerate and remember that life is sacred.


    Sometimes, the Ace may reveal a developing intuition, or encourage trusting one's inner voice. It promotes psychic awareness as well.


    The Ace encourages bonding with another individual and establishing connections. It also encourages delving to a deeper level in existing relationships.


    At its most basic level, the Ace signifies love, affection and proceeding with possible relationships. It may also indicate the need for self-love and the removal of negativity.


    Learn Tarot Online: Ace of Cups

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