• General Motors designed the Chevrolet Vortec line of engines for trucks and sport utility vehicles that need performance along with reliability and durability. The V6 is used in compact pickups, sport utility vehicles and half-ton pickups.


    The Vortec name first appeared in 1986 on a 4.3-liter V6 engine. In 1996, a revision to the cylinder head design increased engine power.

    Vortex Design

    The engines were designed to create a vortex inside the combustion chamber. This makes for a more evenly mixed air/fuel charge, which maximizes combustion efficiency.

    Cylinder Heads

    The cylinder heads are designed with large intake and exhaust flow capacity for increased efficiency.

    Additional Features

    The Vortec engines have hydraulic roller valve lifters and a counter-rotating balance shaft. These features smooth engine operation and reduce noise.


    The block, heads and crankshaft are all made from iron for exceptional strength and durability even with heavy use. The camshaft is driven by a chain for increased reliability.


    GMGoodwrench: 4.3L engine

    AutoWorld: Chevrolet Vortec

    ChevyMania: Vortec heads

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