• Cymbalta® is a brand name for the prescription medication duloxetine hydrochloride. Although effective for treating depression, anxiety disorder and fibromyalgia, Cymbalta® poses a risk for side effects, especially when its use is discontinued suddenly.

    Types of Side Effects

    Side effects that occur with the abrupt cessation of Cymbalta® include dizziness, nausea, headache, fatigue, tingling in your extremities, vomiting, irritability, nightmares, insomnia, diarrhea, anxiety, excessive sweating and vertigo.


    More than 1 percent of patients who suddenly stop taking Cymbalta® experience side effects, reports the U.S. National Library of Medicine.


    The side effects that occur from discontinuing Cymbalta® occur because the drug elevates the amount of the chemical serotonin in your brain, and suddenly stopping causes levels to drop too quickly. Typically, side effects subside once your body acclimates to the change, explains the U.S. National Library of Medicine.


    Infrequently, the withdrawal side effects of drugs in the same class as Cymbalta® cause severe symptoms, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Because of this, it is possible that you may experience confusion, severe depression or anxiety, insomnia or even seizures.


    When it comes time for you to stop taking Cymbalta®, your doctor will slowly taper your dosage to avoid causing a sudden drop in serotonin. Avoid skipping dosages or running out of your medication to prevent withdrawal symptoms.


    Mayo Clinic

    U.S. National Library of Medicine

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