• Dandruff is white, grayish flakes of dead skin. Because animals don't moisturize or bathe daily, it's very common for dogs to have dandruff. dogs can get dandruff when their skin cells die off naturally and flake, reports Pet Scoops, an animal advocacy website. Dandruff might cause some mild itching, especially if it gets stuck in the dog's coat, but it will not cause much discomfort. Frequent brushing not only keeps your dog free of flakes, but can alleviate dandruff as well.


    Dogs should be bathed once a month during the winter, and twice a month in hot spring and summer months. Ordinary baby shampoo is sufficient for most dogs. However, if your pet has excessively dry skin, you can purchase a special dandruff shampoo that contains sulfur or salicylic acid, which help keep the skin moisturized. An oatmeal bath can also alleviate dandruff. Other than baby shampoo, which has no irritating chemicals, perfumes or additives, you should never use human shampoo on pets. Products use to add body, shine and moisture to our hair can be harmful to your dog. Don't forget that your dog grooms herself with her mouth. Shampoos and conditioners meant for people can be dangerous if ingested. Additives in human hair products can also cause itching, allergies, hot spots and other unbearable conditions that you don't want to inflict on your pet. Ask your vet which dandruff shampoo he or she recommends.


    Grooming isn't just for lapdogs with long or curly hair. Even pugs, beagles, terriers and other dogs with short hair need to be brushed regularly. Brushing releases dead skin (making it appear his dandruff is getting worse) and distributes natural oils that prevent drying and flaking.


    Don't skimp on your dog's diet. Inexpensive dog foods leave out healthful additives, such as omega-3 fatty acids, that keep the coat and skin healthy. For serious cases of dandruff, consider giving your pet home-cooked meals. Michele Welton of, an author of books about raising and training dogs, recommends feeding your pet chicken, turkey or beef. Be sure to boil the meat, and never add salt, pepper or other flavor-enhancing spices. Your dog can also eat white rice and fresh, raw vegetables. Be sure to check with your vet before changing your pet's diet, however. Some have sensitive stomachs and can get very sick when you abruptly change their diet.


    How To Treat Your Dog's Dandruff: 7 Tips

    Feeding Homemade Dog Food

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