• Vesicare belongs to the medicinal class of anticholinergics. These medications treat conditions relating to muscle spasms or cramping in the stomach, bladder, and/or intestine. Detrol and Enablex also belong to this class.


    Vesicare treats overactive bladder symptoms including incontinence, urine frequency and frequency of urge.


    Vesicare blocks muscarinic receptors that control bladder contraction and volume and the detrusor muscle, which plays a part in expelling urine. This blockage decreases contractions, increases volume and decreases the pressure of the muscle.


    Pregnant women should not take Vesicare as it may cause low birth weight and physical development delays. Those suffering obstructed bladder outflow should use Vesicare with caution.


    According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the typical starting dose is 5 milligrams per day but can increase to 10 milligrams per day, if needed.


    Do not drink grapefruit juice while taking Vesicare as the juice may increase the concentration of the medicine in the blood. Certain antifungals and protease inhibitors may cause a similar increase. St. John's wort may decrease the efficacy of the medication by reducing its concentration. Medications such as phenobarbital may cause a similar decrease.


    University of Maryland Medical Center: Solifenacin

    Mayo Clinic: Anticholinergic

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