• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: The Benefits

    Mint, whether spearmint or peppermint, smells pleasant. As an aromatherapy agent, mint has mood-lifting, stress-relieving and energizing properties. Adding fresh mint to melt-and-pour soap gives it these benefits. Mint also helps the skin by clearing clogged pores, including blackheads. Fresh herbs are also softer than dried herbs, so the soap is gentle on the skin.

    On the Other: The Drawbacks

    Melt-and-pour soap kits involve heating the mixture to a high temperature, and fresh mint leaves will wilt. The leaves may also become discolored. You can finely dice the mint leaves to make the wilting less noticeable. You can also add food coloring or teas to the soap to hide the discoloration.

    Bottom Line

    Fresh mint has an invigorating scent and several health benefits for the skin. Fresh herbs are also softer and more potent than dried herbs, so you will get maximum benefit without a harsh texture in the soap. Any unattractive wilting or browning of the leaves can be hidden by finely dicing the leaves or using a coloring additive.


    Home Remedies: Benefits of Mint

    Ayurvedic Cure: Benefits of Mint for Skin

    More Information:

    Cucumber Ivy Mint Soap Recipe

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